Irritable Bowel Syndrome can prohibit you from enjoying the quality of life you deserve but it does not have to be a life-long challenge. A dietitian who specializes in addressing digestive issues can help you experience relief. You’ll enjoy a renewed sense of freedom once your bathroom trips are predictable and the bloating and cramping are gone for good!
Northport Wellness Center Alliance Member Marina Bedrossian helps her clients discover quick and lasting relief from stubborn bloating, cramping, reflux, diarrhea, and/or constipation. With a strong background in traditional and alternative nutrition therapies, Marina thrives off of changing lives through the healing abilities of food.
A dietitian who specializes in chronic digestive issues can address the following:
-Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-Diarrhea & Constipation
-Reflux & Indigestion
-Bloating & Gas
Hidden Benefits to Addressing IBS:
-Improved sleep
-Better mood
-Healthier digestion
-Greater absorption of nutrients
-Increased self-esteem
-Healthier relationships
-More enjoyable vacations
-Healthier skin
IBS Packages May Include:
-Comprehensive assessment of medical history
-The “Best Test” for lasting IBS relief
-Assessment for nutritional supplements. (Any recommended supplements during the program will be provided by the practitioner.)
-Hyper-personalized plan to eliminate IBS symptoms
-Meal planning and shopping tips
-Anti-inflammatory diets and recipes
-Healthy Eating techniques
-Emotional detox to help relieve discomfort related to anxiety
There’s no better time than NOW to get rid of your IBS symptoms!
Click here for more information!