How Does Neurofeedback Work?

Posted on

January 6, 2017


Family Wellness,Neurofeedback

, by

Northport Wellness Center

Neurofeedback therapy may not be considered a mainstream treatment yet its ability to promote recovery is immense. Whether you have been formally diagnosed with a medical condition or you are challenged with other health challenges, neurofeedback therapy can help you to heal and become a healthier and happier version of yourself.

A Quick Overview

Neurofeedback therapy is a non-invasive, brain-training program that can improve your brain’s ability to focus while helping you to sleep better at night and feel more relaxed during the day. Neurofeedback can actually help train the brain to produce normal, regulated brain-wave patterns instead of dysregulated, or atypical, patterns.

Candidates for neurofeedback therapy include those who have been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury, ADHD, autism, as well as some other conditions. As Dr. Jason Pape, a neurofeedback provider at the Northport Wellness Center, points out, “Everyone will improve with neurofeedback therapy.”

Learn more about neurofeedback therapy.

How Neurofeedback Works

During a typical neurofeedback session, a neurofeedback provider strategically places sensors on your head to measure your brain waves. While the brain waves are being monitored on a computer, you sit comfortably and watch a movie or a TV show. Usually, Dr. Pape explains, the provider will “recommend programs that aren’t too traumatic or emotional.” This means avoiding any programs that may evoke negative emotions, such as those that include violence or profanity, adds Christina Gravinese, who is also a neurofeedback provider at the Northport Wellness Center.

Every session lasts 30 minutes. In the beginning stages of the therapy, the provider will suggest the patient go two to three times per week.

How Long Does it Takes to Notice a Change?

The number of treatments before a patient begins to notice improvement varies depending on the patient's condition and symptoms, in addition to other factors. 

“Peak performance and ADHD—those cases are usually sufficient with 30 visits," says Ms. Gravinese. "Anxiety or depression is usually more like 50 to 60 visits.”

Those who seek to treat autism or traumatic brain injury symptoms with neurofeedback therapy may need 80-plus and 100-plus visits, respectively—but success can be achieved.

Keep in Mind

The wonderful thing about neurofeedback therapy is that patients can contribute to their own success. Healthy lifestyle choices and habits, such as committing to a good night's sleep and proper nutrition, can assist in helping to achieve positive results. Patients who are suffering from anxiety or depression can seek additional support from a mental health professional to gain coping strategies and other skills necessary to address their condition.

Neurofeedback therapy is an exceptional tool for addressing health challenges. When combined with other programs or practices to address all areas of concern, the opportunities for optimal health are endless.

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The Northport Wellness Center is a multidisciplinary holistic healthcare facility that was founded by Dr. Alan P. Sherr in 1995.

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The Northport Wellness Center is a multidisciplinary holistic healthcare facility that was founded by Dr. Alan P. Sherr in 1995.

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