Pesticides, Insecticides, and Your Child’s Health
Posted on
September 22, 2016
Autism,Family Wellness,Pediatrics
, by
Jennifer Zethner, RN,MS, PNP
Organophosphate and organochlorine pesticides are among the 10 chemicals found in consumer products that are suspected to contribute to autism and learning disabilities, according to a study by Philip J. Landrigan, MD, MSc, and Luca Lambertini, PhD, both of Mount Sinai Hospital, as well as Linda S. Birnbaum, PhD, DABT, ATS, of the National Institute of the Environment Health Sciences. Dr. Landrigan is also one of the physicians who identified the ‘silent epidemic’ of lead poisoning, which continued from 1940s to the 1980s, affecting millions of American children.
Additionally, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ASD (autism spectrum disorder) affects 1 in 68 American children, as of 2012. This is slightly less than the 1 in 88 statistics from 2008 mentioned in the doctors’ study. ASD’s include autism, ADHD, mental retardation, dyslexia and other disorders of brain development. Some experts believe there is a correlation between environmental toxins and ASD.
Where are organophosphate and organochlorine pesticides used?
Pet flea and tick treatments on domestic pets and commercial livestock
Bug skin repellants
Medicated shampoos to control head lice and scabies
Home lawn, garden and tree insecticides
Conventionally grown fruits, vegetables, grains, as well as in the manufacturing of conventional cotton
Golf courses, parks, schools
Pest resistant lumber used to build homes, outdoor play structures, raised garden beds, decks, telephone poles, road signs, retaining walls, walkways, fences, as well as play structures and raised garden beds
Our Children’s’ Health/Our Planets Health
Organophosphate/organochlorine compounds are bio-accumulative; they cause damage in successive generations.
Organophosphates/organochlorines are highly toxic to the honey bees contributing to colony collapse disorder.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency explains that agricultural pesticides, such as atrazine, are among the contaminants in our drinking water, and research suggests a connection between such pollutants and "preterm birth."
Glyphosate is also a drinking water contaminant.
Persistent organic pollutant (POP) tend to remain in the environment and in the fatty tissue of animals for long periods of time and can travel long distances. These chemicals persist in the environment long after they have been banned.
How to avoid organophosphate and organochlorine pesticides:
Buy organic produce and clothing and pasture fed, organic meats, eggs and dairy when possible and support the growing organic farming industry. Visit the official website of the Environmental Working Group, an environmental research organization, for a list of produce (FIX).
Consider IPM—Integrated Pest Management, as they work to manage the pests vs. killing them.
Use natural pesticides on the lawn/garden. Remember to use these sparingly as they kill off ‘bad,’ as well as ‘good’ bugs (spiders, ladybugs, etc.).
Head lice—Look for non-toxic, chemical free treatments including Mayo, olive oil, Vaseline, tea tree oil. The most effective treatment is using a lice comb.
Pet flea/tick treatment—Consider natural pet flea and tick control.
Bug skin repellants—In a spray bottle, add 10-20 drops of lemon eucalyptus into witch hazel.
Support local legislation by banning the use of pesticides in public places (schools, parks).
Contact your town for info. about mosquito spraying, keep windows closed, avoid outdoors during these times.
Be mindful when remolding your home and property. Use websites, such as
For answers to any additional questions, you can also visit: or
Other Resources:
The Toxic Sandbox, Libby McDonald
Healthy Child, Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home, Christopher Gavigan
Raising Healthy Children in a Toxic World, Dr. Philip Landrigan
Silent Spring, Rachel Carson