What Is Myofascial Pain?
Posted on
October 23, 2017
Chiropractic,Family Wellness,Stress Reduction,Trigger Point Therapy
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Northport Wellness Center
Myofascial pain refers to discomfort within a muscle and/or the connective tissue around it, also known as the fascia. This heightened sensitivity is often detected by pressure on the affected area. Depending on the severity of the condition, the pain may develop into a chronic condition called myofascial pain syndrome (MPS).
Such pain is produced by muscle knots and trigger points. These terms can be easy to remember, as someone suffering from myofascial pain may feel like his or her muscles are so tense that they’ve bunched up into knots, triggering irritation, tenderness, and/or tingling near that specific point in the body. However, there are some cases in which another area of the body is also affected, which is known as "referred pain." For example, a hypersensitive trigger point in your shoulder may be the reason you’re experiencing pain radiating down your arm or spine.
In order to find out exactly what myofascial trigger point is causing you discomfort, visit a reliable and knowledge health care provider, who can evaluate your symptoms and properly diagnose your condition.
Some disorders and pain points associated with myofascial pain include:
Head and neck pain
Shoulder pain (i.e., frozen shoulder)
Tennis elbow
Hand and arm pain
Arthritis in the wrist
Upper and lower back pain (i.e., poor posture)
Herniated or bulging disk
Hip pain
Leg pain
Knee pain
There are several reasons a person could experience myofascial trigger points.
Overuse is a frequent cause of MPS. Those who sit at a desk all day at work, for example, could be at a heightened risk.
Injury is also a common reason why people suffer from myofascial pain. Anyone who is challenged with a herniated disk as a result of a motor vehicle accident or sports-related injury, for example, could very well experience further irritation due to the formation of these trigger points.
Successfully addressing myofascial trigger points may involve more than one treatment.
MPS can be excruciatingly painful, but luckily, there are a variety of treatment options available to help improve your condition. For example, trigger point therapy is often recommended, as well as acupuncture, chiropractic care, and 3D spinal decompression. Some people may benefit from receiving just one treatment, while others must receive two or three in order to feel some relief. As a result, some health and wellness centers offer programs specifically aimed to assist those suffering from spine and joint issues caused by myofascial trigger points and other conditions.
The Northport Wellness Center offers an advanced spine and joint program to its patients. Contact us to find out more today!